Saturday, August 11, 2012

not fun

I was supposed to go to a youth event today.... well there was only 3 other people, we were going to the movies. Two of them were dating, and the other guy there, is someone I can only take small doses of. It was awkward, I didn't want to be there. Every once in a while I get into a situation where I just wanna crawl up in my bed and stay there for a week, and that was definitely one of them.  I just expected a nice day with lots of my friends but when your literally forced into a situation that feels like the most awkward double date ever. So being who I am, When I'm in situations like that, I tend to be kind of rude to the guy. I never want someone to get the wrong idea and I don't like wasting my time....  idk maybe that's wrong but I....don't know.

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