Friday, July 6, 2012

~Feel Good, and Look Good!~

Sedona today.. awhh, it was so nice, There are so many great accesory places, And I love Accesories. Don't get me wrong, I am not by anyones standards a great fashion icon, but I do love to mess around with it. I don't like to waste money on it though. I'm not going to go out and buy a stupidly expensive pandora bracelet. Idk maybe that's just me... My favorite Red carpet celeb would have to be Blake Lively, because she accessorizes herself, and I think that's awesome, because that shows alot about her, since she always goes go looking emaculate. It's kind of funny because when I was younger I was a tom boy,
I wore soccer shirts, soccer shorts, always had my hair in a pony tail... and I hated the idea of being girly. And now I am all into my look. Not because im overly superficial, cause I work at not being that way, But I like to Present myself well. And if you can have fun well doing that, I mean Go for it! There's nothing wrong with looking good, and using make-up and taking pride in your appearence, But for the right reason, do it for yourself, Don't do it if it makes you feel uncomfortable, cause there is nothing worse then trying to look good but feeling gross about yourself, cause it will always show through. Anyways, that's what I get for watching fashion police as I'm blogging.

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