Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5th ~Bugs the size of smart cars, and my future~

Ok, Maybe this is over dramatic, but some of the bugs here are the size of smart cars. I'm not a huge fan of bugs. There a living creature and I get it, but come on, what are the point of mosquitos.... like really? Any ways, Im pretty happy, I got to sleep in and when my dad gets back were gonna go to the shooting range.... I really like going to the shooting range, I'm a good shot so me and my dad get to compare and it's fun. My mom has a killer shot too which is funny cause if you knew my mom you would know that its very uncalled for. One time I went there is it was really funny because there was a guy alittle older then me there and I had a way better shot then him so I mean what is more imasculating then realizing a girl who is 5" nothing could protect herself better then he could.... well armed atleast ha. It's not as fun here though cause a friend of mine was supposed to come with me but I mean oh well, it has just been really boring, but what can you do. Yesturday wasn't boring though, we went to the Prescott Rodeo and it was awesome, nothing better then a bunch of guys getting thrown off bulls. Being in Arizona has really made me want to get back into horse back riding. I rode western when I was younger but I stopped and now I feel like I would benefit from getting back into it. I may just drag a friend out to the local riding ranch just to kind of get used to being on the back of a horse again. We could take one of the trails and get the hang of it again. It's like riding a bike, But a bike that can get scared and angry. Well anyways, I think I'm getting back into things now because I only have 1 year of highschool left, and its kind of scary. I'm really excited for university but before I go to Univsersity I am spending a year in England, so it's alot to get ready for. I just feel as if I have no time and a tonne that I wanna do well I still live at home. But I'm sure I'm not the only person who has every went through that feeling so I'm not worried about the future. As long as I have good friends, and good family,and my faith. I'll be alright! Mom's watching 'Swamp People' sorry but I love that show, so it trumps blogging.

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