Monday, July 16, 2012

No title for me being rediculous

It has been said to me "Be exactly who you want to be, and be who you are at the same time" Those two very rarely go hand in hand. Who I want to be is a minute by minute thing. There are definitely a few basics such as your life long choice to be kind, caring, respectful, etc. But I mean even those can change. There are so many images that go around like, the really beautiful hipster girl with beautiful beach waves and an old style camera at hand 24/7. Or the bad ass brunette who wears the leather jacket, the black leggings and the knee high black boots, who looks like shes had a black belt since birth. And in between there are so many looks in between. But there's a name for every look. So clearly there's no chance of being fully yourself, because having a certain look is like having a certain species, and yet you can still change it... But still to some other look that's unoriginal. I don't know, how do you be yourself, how do you be the only you when there 1,000,000 other copies of you. But i guess, God made us all original.... I don't know the answer to this... I guess Ill just be a bunch of different things.... although what if your not a hipster but you naturally have wavy hair, and like photography and you got a great 30 year old camera for cheap off a friend.... I don't wanna qualify, I'm just not in the know enough to be a hipster.... and I'm not an Irony type gal. anyways... I hope your not as ridiculous as I am and confuse the crap out of obvious things in life. ~Chao~


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